

Repository provides interface for entities retrieving, persisting and removing.

In Orm, we use coding standard which assumes, that

  • get* methods return IEntity instance or null,
  • find* methods return ICollection instance.


Repository provides findAll() method, which returns Nextras\Orm\Collection\ICollection instance with all entities in storage. You can add filtering conditions, sort and fetch entities from the collection. Read more about Collection in its chapter.

Repository has to define static method getEntityClassNames() that returns array of entity names that the repository produce. Repository itself can contain user defined methods:

final class BooksRepository extends Repository
    static function getEntityClassNames(): array
        return [Book::class];

     * @return ICollection|Book[]
    public function findLatest()
        return $this->findAll()->orderBy('id', ICollection::DESC)->limitBy(3);

     * @return ICollection|Book[]
    public function findByTags($name)
        return $this->findBy(['this->tags->name' => $name]);

Sometimes, it is needed to write pure SQL query. SQL queries can be written only in mapper layer. You can easily tell repository to proxy these methods by writing php doc @method annotation:

 * @method ICollection|Book[] findBooksWithEvenId()
final class BooksRepository extends Repository
    // ...

final class BooksMapper extends Mapper
    public function findBooksWithEvenId()
        return $this->builder()->where('id % 2 = 0');

In the example above you can see that the mapper layer returns Nextras\Dbal\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder object, but annotation says that repository will return ICollection object. If mapper does not return ICollection, Entity or null value, repository automatically calls IMapper::toCollection() method. You can return only things which your mapper can automatically convert to allowed types.

Identity map#

Repository uses Identity Map pattern. Therefore only one instance of Entity can exist in your runtime. Selecting the same entity by another query will still return the same entity, even when entity changes were not persisted.

// in this example title property is unique

$book1 = $orm->books->getById(1);
$book2 = $orm->books->findBy(['title' => $book1->title])->fetch();

$book1 === $book2; // true


To save your changes, you have to explicitly persist the changes by calling IModel::persist() method, no matter if you are creating or updading the entity. By default, repository will persist all other connected entities with persist cascade. Also, Orm will take care of needed persistence order.

Persistence is run in a transaction. Calling persist() automatically starts a transaction if it was not started earlier. The transaction is committed by calling IModel::flush() method. You can persist and flush changes at once by using IModel::persistAndFlush() method. Persisting automatically attaches the entity to the repository, if it has not been attached earlier.

$author = new Author();
$author->name = 'Jon Snow';
$author->born = 'yesterday';
$author->mail = '[email protected]';

$book = new Book();
$book->title = 'My Life on The Wall';
$book->author = $author;

// stores new book and author entity into database
// queries are run in transaction and commited

You may disable cascade behavior in a persist() call by passing false as the second argument.

$author = new Author();
$author->name = 'Jon Snow';
$author->born = 'yesterday';
$author->mail = '[email protected]';

$book = new Book();
$book->title = 'My Life on The Wall';
$book->author = $author;

// will create only the author, not the book
$orm->persistAndFlush($author, false);


Use IRepository::remove() method to delete entities from database.

If entity has a property with OneHasMany relationship the the reverse relationship side is not nullable, removing this entity will cause throwing an exception. E.g. you cannot remove an author with books, because the book entity has compulsory its author property. The solution to this is:

  1. Set a new author for the books:
    $author = $orm->authors->getById(...);
    $newAuthor = $orm->authors->getById(...);
    foreach ($author->books as $book) {
        $author->book->author = $newAuthor;
  2. Manually remove the books first:
    $author = $orm->authors->getById(...);
    foreach ($author->books as $book) {
  3. Enable cascade removal; Cascade removal is not enabled by default; you can enable it by passing activating in relationship definition. See more in relationships chapter.
     * @property Book[] $books {1:m Book::$author, cascade=[persist, remove]}
    class Author extends Entity
    // this command will remove books first and then the author itself

    You may disable cascade behavior in a remove() call by passing false as the second argument.

    // will not use cascade if needed and will fail with an exception
    $orm->remove($author, false);

Removing of entities is run in transaction as well as persisting. At the end, you have to call IRepository::flush() method or use IRepository::removeAndFlush() method.