

Mapper is the last ORM layer which communicates with database. In contrary to repository, mapper is storage specific, even more, also database specific. Everything database specific should be implemented only in mapper layer. Orm comes with two predefined mappers: ArrayMapper, which works over PHP array, and DbalMapper, which uses Nextras\Dbal database abstraction layer.


Array mapper allows you to work with Orm without database. ArrayMapper can be heavily used in tests. Mocking repositories and entities is not so easy, therefore you can use TestMapper, which will allow you to pass orm dependencies as in production mode, but test will not require any type of database connection. All Orm integrations tests are also run with Test mappers storage.

Collection results form Array mapper are returned as ArrayCollection instance.


Dbal mapper uses Nextras Dbal library. Both Nextras Dbal and Orm support these database engines:

  • MySQL,
  • PostgreSQL,
  • SQL Server (currently not supported autoupdate mapping).

Dbal mapper is aliased as Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Mapper class. Collection results from Dbal mapper are returned as a DbalCollection (if you use Dbal's QueryBuilder) or as an ArrayCollection (if you use raw SQL query).

To set mapper's database table name set $tableName property or override getTableName() method.

class BooksMapper extends Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Mapper
    protected $tableName = 'tbl_book';

    // or

    public function getTableName()
        return 'tbl_book';

If it is impossible to filter data by repository API, you can write more detailed filtering in mapper. Dbal mapper allows quering by Nextras\Dbal\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder or directly by SQL. Query builder instance will be injected into DbalCollection, raw SQL query will be executed and returned rows will be wrapped up in ArrayCollection instance. DbalCollection is lazy, so it is always better to use dbal's query builder.

You can get new query builder instance by calling the builder() method. An instance of the current database connection is available in $connection property.

class BooksMapper extends Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Mapper
    public function getRandomBooksByBuilder(): Nextras\Orm\Collection\ICollection
        return $this->toCollection(

    public function getRandomBooksByQuery(): Nextras\Orm\Collection\ICollection
        return $this->toCollection(
            $this->connection->query('SELECT * FROM tbl_books ORDER BY RAND()')

See repository chapter to learn how to access methods from mapper layer.