
Collection Functions

Collection functions are a powerful extension point that will allow you to write a custom collection filtering or an ordering behavior.

The collection function requires its own implementation for each storage implementation: ideally for both Dbal & Array storages to allow use of persisted and un-persisted collections. Both of the Dbal & Array storages are supported in a single interface.

Why do we have ArrayCollection and DbalCollection?

Collection itself is independent of storage implementation. It is your choice if your collection function will work in both cases - for ArrayCollection and DbalCollection. Let us remind you, ArrayCollections are commonly used in relationships when you set new entities into the relationship but until the relationship is persisted, you will work with an ArrayCollection.

Collection functions can be used in ICollection::findBy() or ICollection::orderBy() methods. A collection function is passed as an array. The first value is the function identifier (it is recommended using function’s class name) and then function’s arguments as other array values. Collection functions may be used together, also nest together, so you can reuse them.

// collection function call
$collection->findBy([MyFunction::class, 'arg1', 'arg2']);

// or compose & nest the calls together
// ICollection::OR is also a collection function
        [MyFunction::class, 'arg1', 'arg2'],
        [AnotherFunction::class, 'arg3'],

Functions are registered per repository. To do so, override Repository::createCollectionFunction($name) method to return your collection functions’ instances.

class UsersRepository extends Nextras\Orm\Repository\Repository
    public function createCollectionFunction(string $name): CollectionFunction
        if ($name === MyFunction::class) {
            return new MyFunction();
        } else {
            return parent::createCollectionFunction($name);

To implement your own function, create a class implementing Nextras\Orm\Collection\Functions\CollectionFunction interface.

use \Nextras\Dbal\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder;
use \Nextras\Orm\Collection\Aggregations\Aggregator;
use \Nextras\Orm\Collection\Functions\CollectionFunction;
use \Nextras\Orm\Collection\Functions\Result\ArrayExpressionResult;
use \Nextras\Orm\Collection\Functions\Result\DbalExpressionResult;
use \Nextras\Orm\Collection\Helpers\ArrayCollectionHelper;
use \Nextras\Orm\Collection\Helpers\DbalQueryBuilderHelper;
use \Nextras\Orm\Entity\IEntity;

final class LikeFunction implements CollectionFunction
    public function processDbalExpression(
        DbalQueryBuilderHelper $helper,
        QueryBuilder $builder,
        array $args,
        Aggregator|null $aggregator = null,
    ) : DbalExpressionResult
        // TODO: Implement processDbalExpression() method.

    public function processArrayExpression(
        rrayCollectionHelper $helper,
        IEntity $entity,
        array $args,
        Aggregator|null $aggregator = null,
    ) : ArrayExpressionResult
        // TODO: Implement processArrayExpression() method.

Dbal Implementation

The Dbal’s method takes four arguments: DbalQueryBuilderHelper for easier user input processing, QueryBuilder for direct access to the builder, but usually this builder is not used directly at all, $args is the user input/function parameters and lastly aggregator that is being passed around.

Collection function has to return a DbalExpressionResult object. This object holds parts of SQL query which may be processed by Nextras Dbal’s SqlProcessor. Because you are not adding SQL parts directly to QueryBuilder but rather return them in DbalExpressionResult, you may compose multiple collection functions together.

Let’s see an example: a “Like” collection function; We want to compare a property (expression) via SQL’s LIKE operator with a prefix comparison.

    [LikeFunction::class, 'phone', '+420']

In the example we would like to use the custom LikeFunction to filter users by their phones that start with +420 prefix. Our function will receive $args with phone and +420. The column/property argument may be quite dynamic too. What if the user passes address->zipcode expression (i.e. a relationship expression) instead of a simple phone, such expression would require table joins; doing it all by hand would be difficult. Therefore, Orm provides DbalQueryBuilderHelper that will handle all this for you. Use processExpression method to obtain a DbalExpressionResult for the column/property argument. Then just append needed SQL to the returned expression, e.g. LIKE operator with a Dbal’s argument. That’s all!

public function processDbalExpression(
    DbalQueryBuilderHelper $helper,
    QueryBuilder $builder,
    array $args,
    Aggregator|null $aggregator = null,
) : DbalExpressionResult
    // $args is for example ['phone', '+420']
    \assert(\count($args) === 2 && \is_string($args[0]) && \is_string($args[1]));

    $expression = $helper->processExpression($builder, $args[0], $aggregator);
    return $expression->append('LIKE %like_', $args[1]);

The helper processed value may not be just a column SQL name, but also a more complex expression returned from another collection function.

If you need more advance operation than appending the expression, either construct a new DbalExpressionResult object (and copy over all properties to retain them) or use. Use Dbal’s %ex modifier to expand the already processed expression. Some properties of the original expression result may be lost by creating a new expression result instance; if needed, pass the original’s values as additional constructor parameters.

$expression = $helper->processExpression($builder, $args[0], $aggregator);
return new DbalExpressionResult(['SUBSTRING(%ex, 0, %i) = %s', $expression->args, \strlen($args[1]), $args[1]]);

Array Implementation

The implementation is different to Dbal’s interface, because the filtering happens directly in PHP runtime. The method takes ArrayCollectionHelper instance for easier expression processing, IEntity instance to check if the expressions requires it (not) to be filtered out, and user input/function parameters.

Array collection function returns ArrayExpressionResult instance wrapping a mixed value, the kind (type) of the wrapped value depends on which context it will be user or evaluated later. Ultimately, the value will be interpreted as a boolean to indicate if the entity should be filtered out in the ICollection::findBy() call; alternatively, the value will be used for comparison (<=>) of two entities when used for ICollection::oderBy() call.

Let’s see an example: a “Like” collection function; We want to compare a property expression to the passed user-input value using a prefix comparison.

public function processArrayExpression(
    ArrayCollectionHelper $helper,
    IEntity $entity,
    array $args,
    ?Aggregator $aggregator = null,
): ArrayExpressionResult
    // $args is for example ['phone', '+420']
    \assert(\count($args) === 2 && \is_string($args[0]) && \is_string($args[1]));

    $valueResult = $helper->getValue($entity, $args[0], $aggregator);
    return new ArrayExpressionResult(
        value: Strings::startsWith($valueResult->value, $args[1]),

Similarly as in Dbal’s example, the user property expression argument may vary from a simple property name to relationship expression. Therefore, use the helper to get the property expression result for that expression, then read the value and use it for creating a new array expression result.

Postgres is case-sensitive, so the value should be lowered first & a functional index should be created; Orm comes with own built-in Like functionality.