The database naming conventions shouldn't affect your PHP naming conventions. Orm is designed to help you not to bother with your database naming relics.
Table names are directly resolved in the mapper layer; they are derived from
the mapper class name. By default, the names are created as an underscored name
of the mapper class with stripped “Mapper” suffix, eg.
→ events
If you would like to force some other table name, define
property, or override getTableName()
in the mapper class.
use Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Mapper;
class EventsMapper extends Mapper
protected $tableName = 'events';
// or
protected function getTableName(): string
return 'blog_events';
Conventions take care about converting column names to property names. Dbal
mapper's conventions are represented by interface
Orm comes with two predefined inflectors, that modify the basic conventions behavior:
These predefined classes assume “camelCase” naming in entity layer and transform it for the database layer. (CamelCase reflector actually does not do any transformation.)
(or Id
) suffix and is
defined as a foreign key, inflector automatically strips the suffix.$id
).You are free to add your own mapping. Just call
setMapping($entityName, $storageName)
method. The right way to do
this is to inherit createConventions()
method in your
mapper class.
use Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Mapper;
use Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Dbal\Conventions\IConventions;
class EventsMapper extends Mapper
protected function createConventions(): IConventions
$conventions = parent::createConventions();
$conventions->setMapping('entityProperty', 'database_property');
return $conventions;
Conventions offers an API for data transformation when the data are passed
from storage to PHP and otherwise. The aforementioned
setMapping($entityName, $storageName, $toEntityCb, $toStorageCb)
method has two optional parameters that accept callbacks. These callbacks
receive the value and key parameters and must return the new converted value.
The first callback is for conversion from the storage to PHP, the second is for
conversion from PHP to the storage. Let's see an example:
* @param bool $isPublic
class File extends Nextras\Orm\Entity\Entity
class FilesMapper extends Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Dbal\DbalMapper
protected function createConventions(): Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Dbal\Conventions\IConventions
$conventions = parent::createConventions();
$conventions->setMapping('isPublic', 'is_public', function ($val) {
return $val === 'Y' || $val === 'y';
}, function ($val) {
return $val ? 'Y' : 'N';
return $conventions;
The underlying layer Nextras Dbal takes care about converting and sanitizing
the values for SQL INSERT/UPDATE query. By default, the %any
modifier is used and the value is transformed by its type. However, you may want
to force different behaviour and modifier for Nextras Dbal layer. To do that,
use setModifier($storageKey, $modifier)
method, which accepts the
table's column name and Dbal's modifier. Let's see an example:
* @param string $contents
class File extends Nextras\Orm\Entity\Entity
class FilesMapper extends Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Dbal\DbalMapper
protected function createConventions(): Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Dbal\Conventions\IConventions
$conventions = parent::createConventions();
$conventions->setModifier('contents', '%blob');
return $conventions;
There are many possibilities to change default table joining conventions. If
you are using m:m
, you can change its pattern property. By default
the pattern is defined as %s_x_%s
. The first placeholder is the
primary table name.
use Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Mapper;
use Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Dbal\Conventions\Conventions;
use Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Dbal\Conventions\IConventions;
class BaseMapper extends Mapper
protected function createConventions(): IConventions
$conventions = parent::createConventions();
assert($conventions instanceof Conventions); // property is not available on interface
$conventions->manyHasManyStorageNamePattern = '%s_2_%s';
return $conventions;
If you need more advance changes, feel free to override
method in your mapper. This method
returns an array where the first value is a joining table name, the second is an
array of joining keys/columns. If you have only one m:m
relationship between two entities, you can return result only based on the
passed target mapper, source property's metadata are available for more
detailed matching.
use Nextras\Orm\Mapper\Mapper;
class EmployeesMapper extends Mapper
public function getManyHasManyParameters(PropertyMetadata $sourceProperty, IMapper $targetMapper)
if ($targetMapper instanceof DepartmentsMapper) {
return ['emp_dept', ['emp_no', 'dept_no']];
return parent::getManyHasManyParameters($sourceProperty, $targetMapper);