
Migration Guide for 2.0


  • Minimal PHP version was increased to 5.5.
  • Orm requires Nextras Dbal 2.0.


  • Each entity has to define primary property; use primary or primary-proxy modifier.
     * @property int $id {primary}
     * @property int $followers {1:m BookFollowers::$book}
     * ...
    class Book extends Nextras\Orm\Entity\Entity {}
     * @property int $id {primary-proxy}
     * @property Book $book {m:1 Book::$followers} {primary}
     * @property User $user {m:1 User::$followedBooks} {primary}
     * ...
    class BookFollowers extends Nextras\Orm\Entity\Entity {}
  • 1:1d relationship modifier was renamed to 1:1. The old 1:1 relationship support was removed entirely.
    // old
    {1:1d UserEntity::$meta primary}
    // new
    {1:1 UserEntity::$meta, isMain=true}
  • New format for modifier syntax: each argument has to be separated by comma; values are assigned by =; values can be an array.
    // old
    {modifier value another key:value}
    {enum self::ONE_CONSTANT self::ANOTHER}
    // new
    {modifier value, another, key=value, arrayValue=[val1, val2]}
    {enum self::ONE_CONSTANT, self::ANOTHER}
  • Relationship modifiers requires defined target property, if relationship is symetric (newly, relationship can be oneSided, see Relationships chapter). Old and deprecated relationship format was removed.
    // old
    {1:m UsersRepository}
    {1:m UsersRepository $posts}
    // new
    {1:m UserEntity::$posts}
    {1:m UserEntity::$posts}
  • Changes were made to keys names and accepted values of Relationship modifiers.



    // old
    {1:m UserEntity::$posts order:id}
    {1:m UserEntity::$posts order:id,DESC}
    // new
    {1:m UserEntity::$posts, orderBy=id}
    {1:m UserEntity::$posts, orderBy=[id, DESC]}
    // old
    {m:m UserEntity::$posts primary}
    // new
    {m:m UserEntity::$posts, isMain=true}
  • Modifiers no longer allow random and unused parameters.
    // old
    {primary foo bar}
  • Modifiers now supports literal parsing, this may break some expresions that were previously parsed as string, now they are evaluated as in php.
    // old - resulted into string "123"
    {default 123}
    // new
    {default "123"}
    // or for int
    {default 123}


  • Each repository has to define static method getEntityClassNames() that returns accepted entity class names.
    class BooksRepository extends Nextras\Orm\Repository\Repository
         public static function getEntityClassNames()
              return [Book::class];
  • Repository no longer supports @method annotations that are not proxies for its mapper; you have to rewrite these methods manually.
    // old
     * @method Book|null getByTitle($title)
    class BooksRepository extends Nextras\Orm\Repository\Repository
         // ...
    // new
    class BooksRepository extends Nextras\Orm\Repository\Repository
         // ...
          * @param  string $title
          * @return Book|null
         public function getByTitle($title)
              return $this->getBy(['title' => $title]);
  • Recursive remove no longer works. The second parameter of IRepository::remove() method was renamed to $withCascade. The cascade is definied as a parameter in relationship modifier, the removal cascade is not added by default, only the perists one. See Relationships chapter.
    // old
    $authorRepository->remove($author, true);
    // new
     * @property OneHasMany|Book[] $books {1:m Book::$author, cascade=[persist, remove]}
    class Author extends Nextras\Orm\Entity\Entity {}
    $authorRepository->remove($author, true);


  • Removed DbalMapper::createCollection() method. Override findAll() method to modify maximal set of entities.
  • DbalMapper was refactored, if you are overriding relationship mappers, you have to do this by new createRelationshipMapper() and getRelationshipMapper() methods.